
Your donation can change lives by providing clean water to children and families.
For only €4,000 a year we can help providing clean water for all the people living in the Manos Amigas centre, its employees and students.

Financial support for our children.
One of our main microprojects is the contribution for the support, accommodation, health care, nutrition and education of each girl or boy of the Centre.
With 1.200€ we make one year of their life happy…
Buses are an essential tool to bring education closer to more children.
That the buses are in good condition supposes an annual expense of 4.000€, help us to continue bringing closer to more people the possibility of having a worthy education.
Let’s help fulfil that dream
More and more our ex students are preparing to forge a better future for themselves through university education.
With a scholarship of 2000€ per year, we help a student to continue his university career and become an agent of change in Guatemala.
We seek to ensure the right of free access to information and improve the education of our students.
To purchase 15 computers an investment of €7,500 is required.
Thank you for collaborating and helping connect more people.
Cervical cancer can be prevented with PAP testing.
There is an urgent need for more investment in testing campaigns, as testing not only reduces the risk of cervical cancer, but also increases the chances of survival.
Make a donation for our next campaign.