
What does it mean to sponsor a child at Manos Amigas?
Companies that wish to collaborate can make a donation in order to help Manos Amigas Foundation's projects. Making a donation is the easiest and most effective way to contribute to the welfare of the most needy. There are several types of contributions to our projects that have been carried out for more than 25 years by the Manos Amigas Foundation in Guatemala
Project Sponsorship Through project sponsorship, a company can sponsor or fully finance a specific project that may be associated with its business sector. This type of collaboration links the donor company with the population or community benefiting from the project.
Manos Unidas Partners Partner companies support Manos Amigas projects with periodic contributions. The periodicity of the donations can be annual, quarterly or monthly.
Emergencies Companies can get involved with occasional donations during an emergency campaign following a disaster such as an earthquake, famine, floods, etc.